Wicked Awesome Scouts #2
In Edition #1 of Wicked Awesome Scouts, I shared the great start to our fall Cub Scout recruitment campaign. One of several great success stories so far is that Pack 7 Slatersville has recruited nearly 40 new Cub Scouts (so far). The pack doubled their recruitment compared to last year-with NO distribution of flyers through the school!
How did they do it?
- Membership Chair: They recruited a parent, Dierdre Simpkins, to be the pack membership chair. This is a vital first step!
- Website: They updated their pack website using WordPress. It includes an excellent leader page with photos of all of the leaders. Visit the site pack7.com. Click on “About Pack 7” — this gives interested families confidence that this is a well-run pack! It has accurate emails and contact info.
Pack 7 checked out the canopy and promotion materials from the council. - Facebook: They have an active Facebook page and group. See www.facebook.com/pack7slatersville. They promoted their activities extensively through Facebook.
- Community Advertising: They advertised in the town newsletter and newspaper. Many towns will feature info on your pack or troop at no cost. Continue reading “How Pack 7-Slatersville Recruited Nearly 40 New Cub Scouts”