How Pack 7-Slatersville Recruited Nearly 40 New Cub Scouts

Wicked Awesome Scouts #2

In Edition #1 of Wicked Awesome Scouts, I shared the great start to our fall Cub Scout recruitment campaign.  One of several great success stories so far is that Pack 7 Slatersville has recruited nearly 40 new Cub Scouts (so far).  The pack doubled their recruitment compared to last year-with NO distribution of flyers through the school!
How did they do it?
  1. Membership Chair:  They recruited a parent, Dierdre Simpkins, to be the pack membership chair.  This is a vital first step!
  2. Website: They updated their pack website using WordPress.  It includes an excellent leader page with photos of all of the leaders.  Visit the site  Click on “About Pack 7” — this gives interested families confidence that this is a well-run pack!  It has accurate emails and contact info. 
    Pack 7 checked out the canopy and promotion materials from the council.

  3. Facebook:  They have an active Facebook page and group.  See  They promoted their activities extensively through Facebook.
  4. Community Advertising:  They advertised in the town newsletter and newspaper.  Many towns will feature info on your pack or troop at no cost.
  5. Community Events:  They had promotion booth at summer basketball games.  They also put on a “Bring a buddy” movie night in August.  They showed their pack slide show to showcase the awesome things they did last year, had skits and songs and popcorn. They had about 10 new Scouts join their emailing list from that night
  6. Flyer

    Pack 7 Rally 1
    Pack 7 held their recruitment event on a Friday evening and had a great turnout_

    s: They were NOT able to put flyers out through the school, but they did put flyers at the library and the market.

  7. School Open House: they were able to have a promotion table at the school open house with their slide show.  They collected names and emails of interested people.
  8. Credit Card Readers: They used the council provided credit card reader (see your service area executive or call Chasity at 401-351-8700 e37).  About a third of those who attended their joining night paid with a debit/credit card.


As Dierdre says, “I firmly believe that you will get more interest from people if they can email or text. No one, these days, wants to make a phone call. Plus it’s hard to remember the number as you’re driving by a sign but remembering “” is pretty easy.”
Congratulations to Dierdre Simpkins and all of the leaders in Cub Scout Pack 7-you’re wicked awesome!

Thank you for your support of Scouting!

Author: Tim McCandless

Tim McCandless is the Scout Executive & CEO of the Narragansett Council, Boy Scouts of America which serves 13,400 youth in Southeastern New England.  He is an Eagle Scout and the father of three Eagle Scouts who lives in Bristol, Rhode Island.

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