Most of the program received by our Scouts is delivered by volunteer leaders like you. Thank you! No child would benefit from Scouting without our nearly 4,000 volunteers in the Narragansett Council.
If that’s the case, what do the staff do?
38 full-time staff work hard behind the scenes to coordinate the many details of Scouting SO THAT you and other volunteers can devote your time to delivering a great Scouting program! This reduces dramatically the time required of volunteers to handle program coordination, legal, administrative, facilities management and fundraising requirements to deliver a quality program.
How does this benefit you and your Scouts?
- Each of our 5 districts has one or two “District Executives” that work full-time to support units, organize new units, recruit volunteers, promote Scouting, coordinate more than 200 council activities a year (such as camporees, Klondikes, and merit badge workshops) plus coach, coordinate and recognize volunteers. They meet with community leaders and school leaders, distribute flyers, and conduct hundreds of in-school presentations annually
“District Executives and their assistants are exceptionally helpful and very much needed.”
Response on our 2019 Customer Survey
- Your unit has a Unit Service Coordinator assigned to you that assists your unit leaders and parents with questions, problems, orienting new leaders, registering youth and leaders, recharter, Scoutbook, training, coordinating monthly leader roundtable meetings, newsletters and more
- Camping and properties staff plan camp programs but also handle maintenance, safety, forest management, improvements, security, insurance and much more
- Support staff keep the website and social media up-to-date, track advancements and awards that your Scout(s) earn, conduct criminal background checks on all new volunteers and produce materials for unit leaders
- Program staff organize hundreds of activities that your Scout(s) participate in. From Scouting for Food and merit badge clinics, to dozens of camp programs
- Communications staff promote Scouting throughout the council, coordinate social media, advertising, video production, and newsletters to Scouting leaders. See this news story or this story that our staff successfully pitched to local media resulting in great coverage
- Development staff raise funds to support Scouting from businesses, foundations, alumni, and families that fund programs and camps. For example, in 2019, they raised more than $450,000 in new grants to fund additional improvements at Camp Cachalot, Camp Norse, Buck Hill Scout Camp, Camp Champlin, Camp Aquapug, and Camp Yawgoog.
- Scoutreach staff organize and deliver Scouting programs in low-income neighborhoods from New Bedford to Taunton to Central Falls to Providence and many other communities. They coordinate financial assistance and camperships for families that need it
- Customer Service staff operate our two Scout shops and service centers as well as assist parents and leaders with their questions and requests
- 6 full-time camp rangers plus 2 caretakers maintain our 9 camp properties, run water systems, waste-treatment systems, remove dead and dying trees, and much more!
All of these functions are necessary for quality, safety, and legal reasons in order for your Scout to enjoy a safe, challenging, fun and rewarding Scouting program.
On behalf of each of these staff members, thank you! We need YOU now more than ever. We value and appreciate your time, energy and resources that you provide to make Scouting thrive. YOU are preparing the next generation of leaders…leaders with the skills, integrity and values so vital to our nation’s future success.
Tim McCandless
Scout Executive & CEO