Important Updates: Registration Fees, Background Checks, and Scout Stores

Fall Recruiting Is off to a Wicked Awesome Start!

This is my favorite time of year as thousands of families through Southeastern New England are beginning their Scouting adventure when their child joins!

It is exciting to hear the great results that many of our units are experiencing in their recruitment! I’d love to hear from your unit!

Pack 7 Somerset MA recruited 20 new Cub Scouts last night! Using the Council’s inflatable archery range as part of their recruitment event.
Archie, the council’s new Eagle Scout Mascot makes an appearance!
Pack 7 Slatersville’s recruitment night was featured in the North Smithfield newspaper!

Three Important Updates:

BSA National Registration Fee Change

I have received news from the BSA National Council that I want to share immediately with you.

As the National Council evaluates the growing cost of delivering the Scouting program, a team of volunteers and staff from across the country is currently considering the best way forward that will likely require the implementation of a national membership fee increase for youth members and adult leaders as of January 1, 2020. This prospective change is being driven by the significant cost increase of the liability insurance the organization must carry to cover all official Scouting activities. 

I do not know the amount of the increase at this time. As this fee goes directly to the National Council (the council does not keep any portion) a fee increase requires National Executive Committee input and approval which will not happen until later in October.

“We recognize the timing of this likely fee increase creates challenges as units have already begun collecting fees for their 2020 registration renewal process. We sincerely apologize and hope you understand that this path would not be pursued were it not absolutely necessary to ensure the BSA can continue carrying out its mission to serve youth. We are committed to supporting you through this process and is making necessary adjustments to the online rechartering system to ensure units can carry out the normal yearly registration process with as few issues as possible.”

Michael Surbaugh, Chief Scout Executive, BSA

I know that this is not easy information to hear, but I want to be transparent so you can prepare your unit appropriately. The National Council has committed to provide the amount of the new registration fee no later than October 23, 2019, to take effect on January 1, 2020. The online rechartering system will still open on October 1st to allow units to do their roster work. The fees section will be available on November 1st.  

Updated Adult Background Checks

Adult background checks are conducted on every new adult when they apply to register. In 2020, the BSA will implement periodic criminal background checks on a five-year basis. The first periodic recheck will take place in January 2020.  This is an important element of providing a safe Scouting program to children.

A new, signed Additional Disclosures & Background Check Authorization form must be collected before any adult’s annual registration is processed. All adult leaders will be required to review and sign the new authorization form and turn it in with their unit’s recharter. If they do not do so, their registration will end on Dec. 31 and they will no longer be able to serve as a volunteer.

The BSA National Service Center will send an email with three separate background check disclosures and authorization form documents around October 7th to all currently registered adults who have a valid email address listed in their ScoutNET person profile.

Update on Warwick & Swansea Scout Shops

One of our major fall orders of BSA uniforms, books and supplies has been delayed and has not yet arrived. It is expected to arrive mid-week next week.

This delay has, unfortunately, resulted in a shortage of several uniform sizes, program books and other items. As you can imagine, this could not have come at a worse time as hundreds of families are joining and looking to us for these items.

I apologize for the shortage. We are working as feverishly as we can to get the supplies in stock as soon as possible. We will post on Facebook ( as soon as the supplies have arrived and been placed on the shelves.