The Best Decision I Made in My Life

“Hands down, the best decision I made in my life so far, regarding my son and I to join Scouts and push him to stick with it. He truly is a different person for the better.”                       – Scout Father from 2018 Voice of the Scout Survey

Your Feedback Is a Gift!

Throughout the year, the Boy Scouts of America emails out surveys called the “Voice of the Scout” (VOS) in order to get feedback from our Scouts, leaders and parents.  VOS is a tool to measure the quality of the Scouting experience and to identify areas for improvement.

A few comments from local Scout parents:

  • “I believe Scouting is one of the most beneficial programs available for youths today. It has provided great opportunities for our son and he enjoys participating and learning from Scouting. Thank you.”
  • “Scouting builds leadership, friendships and discipline. It gets boys outside, teaches them skills they may not learn in their normal routines.”

What do our local Scouts say?

  • “I had a lot of fun in Cub Scouts and I’m having even more fun as a first year Boy Scout.”
  • “Scouting provides excellent opportunities to lead, teach, learn, and appreciate nature.”

    “Scouting builds leadership, friendships and discipline.” Parent of a Scout, VOS 2018
  • “Scouting has taught me about being a leader, how to perform first aid, and given me a deep appreciation for the outdoors.”
  • “Scouting has taught me how to show respect for others which is a huge part of life if you want people to like you and get along with you.”

“We have so much fun I don’t know why anyone wouldn’t want to be a Scout.”

Comments from some of our local leaders:

  • “I’m proud to be a Scouting volunteer and happily give of my time & resources.”
  • “Scouting has been such a wonderful program that has proven to reinforce many positive behaviors including being honest, helpful, thrifty, etc.”

It’s wonderful to read these comments, but the real power of the Voice of the Scout is to learn where we can do better.  There were many comments on a wide range of subjects including:

  • “Ensure showers at Camp Yawgoog are clean and healthy for Scouts.” – I agree.  The new Medicine Bow showers opened in 2017, the new Three Point showers will open in 2019, and we break ground this winter on the new Sandy Beach showers that will also open in 2019!  All thanks to a generous Yawgoog Alumnus!
  • “There are core parents that are
    New Camp Three Point showers! We’re breaking ground on new Sandy Beach showers in a few weeks!

    helpful but difficult to get other parents to contribute,” and, “We struggle to find den leadership…” – This is a common theme and we clearly need to help units more with this challenge. Be sure to attend the University of Scouting on February 23rd for classes on this subject–watch for details coming soon.

  • “Talk about succession planning with adult leaders in the troop and get them to think about when to step aside.”  Great suggestion–we’ll provide resources and focus on this.
  • Another leader suggested that the council provide a “marketing kit” for use at events – canopy, flyers and promotional materials for troops or packs to check-out for recruitment events.  Good news!  We have 4 such kits available for checkout PLUS 2 inflatable archery ranges and an inflatable BB Gun Range (trained volunteers are required to use the ranges.)

    We now have 2 inflatable/portable archery ranges for checkout to use at community events to promote Scouting!

Other comments included:

  • “Our Pack is not as big on outdoor activities as some other Packs in the area are.”  Come to University of Scouting on February 23 for great, easy ideas!
  • “Special Needs in Scouting is an area that needs more attention.”  Agreed.  Watch for more emphasis on this including at University of Scouting in February.
  • “Better communications and support from the council level.”  We are absolutely working on this!
  • “We need to stress that bullying will not be tolerated.”  Agreed!

THANK YOU for your feedback and comments!  They drive our focus for training programs, roundtable programs, University of Scouting classes, and priorities with our staff and council committees. Your feedback will help make Scouting THRIVE even more in 2019!

For more resources on camp programs, outdoor adventure, leader recruiting, Webelos-to-Scout transition, come to the Thrive Drive Kickoff on Tuesday, December 4th.  We’ll buy dinner for 2 leaders from your unit!  Seating is limited.  Learn more and reserve your seat now at

Happy Thanksgiving! I am so thankful for the huge impact that Scouting has on youth and for our volunteer leaders who bring Scouting to life throughout the Narragansett Council!  Subscribe to my periodic WickedAwesomeScouts Blog here: 

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